Sunday, April 1, 2007

Trial run ...

Is Little G coming? ....

Most of Saturday afternoon, I was having contractions. After about three hours of going over what my threshold for contractions is, i talked to the dr on call. i was so pleased when it was my OB on call that day. she told me to come straight to the hospital and plan to possibly spend the night. so, i grabbed my bag that we had just packed a few days before for the big day, threw a few extra things in, and off to the hospital we went. when we arrived and started checking in, my OB happened to come out to the waiting area and told the admissions people to get me into the new wing since i had "spent plenty of time in the dungeon last pregnancy!" so, they put us in a nice, big room in the new wing.

the nurse came in and had me get into a gown. she hooked me up to the monitor and started to get an iv to get fluid in me. ok, i don't like needles in general, so it was not fun when the first IV didn't go in. ouch!! the second was pretty painful too, but not quite so bad. my dr came in and checked me. i was not dilated, which is great. so, they monitored me for a few hours.

i guess the dr or the hospital must have scared the contractions away, because after about three hours i only had two small contractions. so, we were sent home. i was so glad to be able to go home, that the contractions stopped, and that Little G is still inside "cooking". Guess we got a little practice run to the hospital.

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