Thursday, March 20, 2008

Eggs for Emma

today we went to the egg hunt at our neighborhood clubhouse. lots of tears . . . emma fell as the egg hunt started and she didn't get any eggs. thankfully, we have some generous neighbors who shared their eggs with her, so the tears stopped, and she reminded me how she had heard the Veggie Tales talk about sharing on one of her videos. so when i asked her about sharing her things, she told me she didn't have to do that. we proceeded to have a long chat about sharing after that! anyways, it was amazing how quickly the eggs were scooped up by all those little 3-5-year-olds. in the end, emma told me that she had a lot of fun, and she was eager to go home to open the eggs and check out the goodies she had gotten.

here is a picture of emma with the easter bunny . . .
and another picture of her black eye.

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