Sunday, September 16, 2007

Swedish class, jokes, and more ...

emma has recently started attending a swedish class twice a month. yes, they actually have a swedish class for kids in atlanta! she's told us about some of the songs she's been singing there and some new friends she's made. i think it's a great opportunity for her to be exposed to the language and culture. how many american cities have swedish classes for adults, let alone one for kids!

emma's newest thing is telling jokes. most of the time, she tells jokes like "isabella on mommy's head" or "pappa fell in the grass". one day she told me that she was going to eat the sun. i said, " on my, that would be so hot." and, she looked at me and smiled and said, "that was just a joke." i told her the chicken crossing the road joke, so now she tells it ...'why did the chicken cross the road to get to the other side?" yes, she tells it as one run-on question/joke! cracks me up. and, now at the suggestion of babysitter marnie (or marn, as emma calls her) we've introduced knock-knock jokes to her. most of the time it's tree at the door when she does knock-knock. or, she gets confused about who's saying what part of the joke. it's too funny.

and, emma is enjoying her new teacher and class at weekday preschool. she comes home everyday and has circle time for isabella and i. she teaches us all sorts of new things, reads books to us, and sings songs with us. it's adorable.


Jen Greven said...

That's so funny! Ella had also started to take some interest in telling knock-knock jokes! :)

Anonymous said...

I made the blog! Sweet. Tell Emma to keep rockin' the jokes.

Miss Big Baby Marn Mommy