Friday, November 14, 2008

wired up - day #3 - cps

cps . . .complex partial seizures. we came home this afternoon after two long days at the hospital. when the dr first came to see us this morning, isabella still had not shown any activity. but during lunch, she ended up having one. i almost missed it, but caught her near the end and pressed the buzzer several times to let them know she was having an episode. the dr came in and reviewed the tape and the eeg printout . . . it was a seizure. they are coming from her right temporal lobe, and are complex partial seizures (epilepsy). isabella will stay on her meds for now, and we will go back to the dr in about a month to talk more. we will also continue to pursue some of the holistic/naturopathic options we have also been pursuing. the dr said that about 60% of kids with these types of seizures outgrow them. we are praying she is in the 60%. thank you to everyone for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

here are some pictures of isabella's last day . . . including her rocker look she had after the took off the wires.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

wired up - day #2

we made it through another day at the hospital. isabella is such a trooper. she does not seem to be bothered one bit by all the wires and stuff attached to her. she spent the day running around the room just as if she wasn't hooked up to anything. she has not slowed down one bit! last night was pretty rough . . . she barely slept and was crying a lot last night. but she did take a great nap today. we also had several visitors, which was fun for all of us. isabella has been full of smiles and winning the hearts of all the nurses and doctors here.

the neurologists talked with us and said that no abnormal brain activity has shown up on the eeg yet, and we have not seen isabella have any episode either. of course, we don't want her to be having seizures, but it would be helpful if she would have one of these episodes that she;s been having so that they could track that time and definitively tell us what is happening when these episodes occur.

the current plan is that we are to be released tomorrow, but if she still shows no activity by the end of the 48 hours, we aren't sure if they would keep us longer. we certainly don't want to be here any longer than necessary, but we do hope to leave with more information at the end of this.

it took a long time again for isabella to fall asleep, but we're hopeful that she'll have a better night of rest tonight. hope you enjoy more pictures of our stay at the hospital!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

wired up

isabella was admitted to the hospital today for her 48-hour video eeg. for those who don't know . . . back in sept, she started having these strange episodes where she looked almost like she was going to faint. the pediatrician could not find anything wrong with her. she started having some other symptoms and more episodes, so we found ourselves at the neurologist's office. he said that it was seizures. we were rushed in the next day for an mri and a one-hour eeg. both showed up clear. so, we are now doing this extended eeg in the hopes that we'll learn more about what is going on with our little peanut.
isabella did great getting hooked up with all these wires. they had to use some very sticky glue, which smelled awful. she was a real trooper for the whole thing. she is able to move around the room, as long as someone is running right alongside her, as the wires are hooked up to this box in a bag (looks like a camera bag). her head is bandaged up so that she won't start pulling at the wires. she looks adorable!

she had some visitors today, which helped to pass the rest of the afternoon and evening quickly. she was so tired tonight since we didn't get a nap today, but she was also very wired once bed time rolled around from all the activity and the new surroundings. it took a little longer to get her to sleep. but, she is now peacefully sleeping, and hopefully will rest soundly all night.

will try to post more with an update from what the doctor and video techs saw on the eeg since she's been hooked up. thanks for all the support!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hot Pink Cast

well, we headed back to the dr today because emma was still unable to walk as of this morning. we were sent to an orthopaedic doctor who felt that she needed a cast. so, here she is with the hot pink cast that she chose and the funny shorts they had to give her since the pants she had were too tight to come off with a cast on! she was not too happy when he first put the cast on,but after getting home, she seemed okay with it.

i also had to add this other Halloween picture from the other day with the matching halloween pajamas.